prof. Alexei Osipov

Wie lernt man, Menschen zu verstehen? Prof. Alexei Osipov

On family values (Latvia. Riga, 2016.10.27) — prof. Alexei Osipov

Never trust any visions (prof. Alexei Osipov)

Why are sexual relationships outside marriage unacceptable? (prof. Alexei Osipov)

What is the most dangerous sin? (2013) — prof. Alexei Osipov

Esotericism and occultism are mystical filth (prof. Alexey Osipov)

Does Christian Phychology exist? — prof. Alexei Osipov

Is it a sin to kill people at war? — prof. Alexei Osipov

What is the Truth? (prof. Alexei Osipov)

'A Christian Key' to Life. — prof. Alexei Osipov

Wahre Buße befreit die Seele von den Prüfungen - Prof. Alexei Osipov

What is Church? (2016) — prof. Alexei Osipov

Who is God? (Moscow Theological Academy, 2017) — prof. Alexei Osipov

The Only Religion: What accord has Christ with belial? — prof. Alexei Osipov

Is there One God in all religions? — prof. Alexei Osipov

Have Faith. — prof. Alexei Osipov

The Laws of Spiritual Life. Part 1 (2014) — prof. Alexei Osipov

Mistakes in Children's Upbringing (2006) — prof. Alexei Osipov

Orthodoxy and catholicism: faith and life (Moscow, 2016) — prof. Alexei Osipov

Your Thoughts Result in Your Deeds. — prof. Alexei Osipov

How to learn God s will? (2012) — prof. Alexei Osipov

The Orthodox Criteria of Truth. — prof. Alexei Osipov

'Have love for those who are against you...' (prof. Alexei Osipov)

On art (2009) — prof. Alexei Osipov